
Friday, March 29, 2024

~Real Alien Caught on Camera?~

Could we finally have proof of REAL aliens?? Some new evidence suggests so! 

Take a look at this image. This shows A TINY ALIEN walking across the floor! These creatures are known as the Duende, named after Latin American mythical creatures of the same name. They look somewhat similar to the character "Dobby" from the Harry Potter franchise. These creatures are very mischievous, though often times cause no direct harm to humans. These creatures have originally only been speculated to exist, but do we now have definitive proof??

Now as true as this may seem, there are some issues that may disprove this image! For one, the quality isn't great, and it can be easy to feign such a thing with such low quality. After all, this photo was taken in 2011, and we were certainly not as technologically advanced as we are today.

Until more information is gathered, we cannot prove whether this is true or not, leaving us with more questions than answers. Is it real, or was it simply a very weird looking rat? We may never know...



Sunday, March 3, 2024

~Welcome to the Alien Zone!~


Hello, and welcome to my blog! I always wanted to start a blog just for fun, so I finally decided to do so. This won't be a very professional blog, and absolutely won't be a serious one.

I have an interest in aliens, but in a very lighthearted way. I'll just post some images and stuff of whatever alien related things I like. This can range from video games, to merchandise, to even memes or something. Hope you all enjoy!

~Real Alien Caught on Camera?~

Could we finally have proof of REAL aliens?? Some new evidence suggests so!  Take a look at this image. This shows A TINY ALIEN walking acro...